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Mediocre overpriced sushi, overpriced menu and under par customer service. I visited Yen for lunch the other day with my mother. Upon entering the (dark) restaurant, the server yelled from the POS system asking if we had two people. Like what???? Why didn’t you greet us first? No hello nothing. Jesus! Anyway- There was plenty of open seating and she sat us in a dark corner(really??).. I asked to sit at a different table and it was no problem. She gave us the menus, asked for our drink orders and left. No explanation of any lunch specials (which is why we went by the way) or any recommendations.. after we ordered I realized why she wasn’t very customer service oriented.. she was chilling behind the pos desk on her phone- she didn’t really want to be there, let’s be real. So fast forward to when the food arrived– my mom ordered her food first BTW. I received my food first and shared with my mom because hers didn’t arrive for like 10 minutes. Then I realized I still hadn’t received the cucumber salad I ordered. So I waited a few minutes for the server to glance in my direction and of course she didn’t so I walked up to the station (interrupted her text convo. or Ig scroll) and asked if she could please remember to put in the salad I ordered. She apologized which was nice but it still was underwhelming. The tab was pretty high for lunch specials and to top it off, both mine and my mother had upset stomachs that evening. Don’t waste your time- or just go and see for yourself. ?

Adline Hot Wings Express – Menu with Prices – 2736 James Rd, Memphis

This is the third time we’ve waited over an hour for a call in order. The first time, I arrived after calling in an order. I waited. I asked the young lady after seeing a few people place orders and get their food before me to check for my order. She said it hadn’t come up. Come to find out, our order was sitting in the window the entire time. I asked the original cashier (who is always sweet) to check and she came and pointed it out to the girl who’d taken her place. Total wait was about 45 to 50 minutes. On one occasion, I called in and I placed an order for my mother and her coworkers for their lunch. She came from downtown and waited an hour after her arrival (not counting commute time) before they had the order ready. I had to call them to make sure they put it in during the call and the girl told me they don’t cook until you arrive and pay which means it’s pointless to call in. Today my mom called in at 12:30, went to the restaurant and paid and waited. At 1:30 she was told that her order would be ten more minutes when she asked for a refund. The young lady walked off as my mother was talking to her explaining that she’d already waited entirely too long. This is the worst place when it comes to customer service. You come in and the girls are rolling their eyes and frowning every time I go and the one nice girl isn’t there. They don’t greet you or say hey I’ll be with you in a moment. It’s just horrible. Today was the final straw.

Little Purse – Menu with Prices – Newark International Airport St, Newark

I hate to do this but I feel the need to prevent others from having the same experience as me. This review is based on service and not the food. Simply because I never received my food. I placed a takeout order for dumplings and brussel sprouts and waited 15 minutes before saying something. I never want to rush the chefs or servers but my flight was about to start boarding. I asked the server with a man bun if they received my order, and he said yes he would start on it now. This is 15 min after I had placed my order and they didn’t start working on it yet. Mind you, the place just opened for lunch and it was NOT busy. Before I spoke up, I saw this server chatting with another server as if they had nothing to do. 10 more minutes go by, and they finally finished bagging a takeout order that I thought must be mine. He handed it to me but it was actually someone else’s order. Order mix-up. I waited 5 more minutes, to then realize my order STILL had not been bagged. Since I couldn’t miss my flight at this point, I told him to cancel my order and he said “ok” with no apology. There was NO sense of urgency, sympathy, or speed with this server, even though he had multiple takeout customers staring him down. My order was simple and required minimal time to prep – I saw the fried dumplings sitting there the whole time he was moving at snail speed. PLEASE – if you have an hour or more to spare and don’t mind waiting a long time for your food, then you do you. Takeout shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes to be ready. Especially at an airport.

Flagler Village Brewery – Menu with Prices – 551 N Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale

I have been here multiple times but after tonight I am regretfully writing this review as I feel that the experience my party received was insulting and inexcusable. I arrived at brass tap tonight (Sun. 02/24) around 8:30pm with my s/o and informed the server that we would be having a larger group but I wasn’t sure how many. The restaurant was almost completely empty and she said it would be no issue. It ended up being 8 of us (all currently in or previously in the restaurant industry) showing up to congregate for a very solemn occasion. We wanted a quiet, laid back environment to grab some food and drinks in. We were SORELY disappointed. It took our server 15 minutes to even grab a drink order from us. ANOTHER 10-15 minutes for our drinks to even start arriving at the table. We literally watched the server through the window texting away on her cellphone as we waited for our drinks. When she arrived with the drinks we asked if we could order food. At this point i had already realized our service would be very slow (even though the place was empty) and I decided to order a second drink with my food even though I had just received my first. I’m glad I did that because not once throughout the meal did the server ask ANYONE if they would like a refill. My food arrived (I ordered the super wrap or whatever it’s called) but I was brought the super salad instead. I informed the server that this was not what I had ordered and she promised to fix the issue. About 7 minutes later she returned with my wrap. Upon examination (before taking a single bite) I realized that there was no chicken in this wrap. I told the server that I was sorry to be a pain but the wrap seems to be the exact same salad just rolled into a tortilla when the wrap listed on the menu comes with chicken. She told me it was a NEW salad but they just didn’t add chicken…. (why was no chicken added??? It’s listed SPECIFICALLY on the menu as a part of that wrap!) at this point I just asked her to take the food back and remove it from the bill. I shouldn’t have to send food back twice. It’s embarrassing for BOTH of us. The manager came over asking if she could get me anything else and I declined. I was already disappointed and had no interest in eating anymore. She insisted on buying me a drink which was very kind and at that point I decided that I would not be posting on yelp about this experience due to the manager trying to remedy the situation. That changed quickly. The food was terrible for everyone who received it “correctly”. Brussels sprouts had no bacon and were dripping grease. The ahi Niçoise salad came with no dressing, looking an absolute mess. What were described as crispy sweet potatoes on the salad were just freezer burned sweet potato fries. The chicken tenders were somehow so over cooked that they were HARD all the way through. Not once did she return to ask how the food was. My friend asked the server for a water and several others followed suit. The server returned with water for everyone EXCEPT the one who originally asked to begin with then ran off before we could even point it out. We ended up sharing waters. When it was time to cash out the server cashed ONE PERSON out then went M.I.A. for another 15 minutes. Someone from our party had to go find her to ask her if we could cash out. She comes and cashes everyone out EXCEPT the girl who actually went in and asked her! After returning with change she tried to leave and I actually had to ask if she planned or cash my friend out or if we should just leave. For such a slow, empty restaurant these issues were RIDICULOUS. Our drink tabs would have been at least double but most people didn’t have a chance to order more than one drink since she never asked for refills. We are also very generous tippers but she ruined that opportunity. Being in the service industry we give good service and expect it in return. We did NOT receive that tonight and there was NO excuse for how absolutely horrible it was. I usually

TooJay’s Deli ? Bakery ? Restaurant – Menu with Prices – 2980 N Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale

Very SLOW SERVICE & the food is terrible! Wow, we were so very extremely disappointed with our experience at Toojay’s on Sunday it was our 2nd time coming here and it will be the last time (will not be back!) When we walked in the restaurant we waited 5 minutes to be seated…. and once seated we waited another 20 mins before having to call the hostess back over to let her know that nobody stopped by our table. Looking around it was steady busy but not full packed, there were plenty of tables open and several servers on the floor all walking around slow and leisurely and chit chatting amongst themselves in the corners of the restaurant so there was no excuse not to see a server for 20 mins… Once our server Jill finally stopped by she didn’t greet us warmly or ask us if we’d been there before, she barely looked at us and simply asked if we were ready to order. Then, she took another five minutes standing at our table trying to figure out how to enter the order on the tablet she was holding… very professional service so far… We were very impressed with the menu actually, they had a nice variety of food and plates and the photos looked absolutely delicious. We ordered a side of Latkes and house salad to start, a chipotle bacon burger cooked medium, and the everything salmon. It was the photo of the everything salmon that had my mouth watering to try it since it looked so good… After 30 mins of waiting… the server never came back to check on us and we never received the Latkes or house salad that we ordered. We have never left a restaurant and just walked out before but we were definitely thinking about it at this point… but decided to flag down the hostess again and ask for the food. The server came back 5 mins later and just dropped the food down (no apologies for the wait or anything) and then abruptly left… we realized that: 1. we never got our house salad 2. we never got the side of latkes we ordered 3. she didn’t offer to refill our empty water cups When we flagged her down again (since she never came to check up on us) and asked her about the missing salad and latkes she again didn’t apologize in any way just said “ok I’ll grab them” only she came out with only the house salad – again no latkes. At that point we didn’t care to correct her again we just wanted to eat and leave… So the service so far was ATROCIOUS but the food I have to say was 10X WORSE!! The house salad consisted of browning romaine lettuce in a bowl with one tomato and two slices of cucumber… the burger we ordered medium came out well well done and hard like a rock… the salmon was not edible, it was ungodly salty… the Brussels sprouts were chopped up pieces of Brussels sprouts to dry and bitter it was disgusting. The salmon came with potato latkes that were cold, hard, and had no flavor or seasoning you open them up and it was just chunks of half cooked potatoes inside. I haven’t had such a bad meal in a long long time… and the plate looked nothing like the photo. We decided to stop eating at this point and after having to flag our server down again we asked for the check and saw that we were charged for the side of potato latkes that we never got and when we asked her to remove them from the check once again she did not apologize or try to say sorry that we never got the food we ordered she just walked away without saying anything…. we paid and left. After this terrible experience I will not be back. I’ve received better quality food and service at the McDonald’s around the corner than at this restaurant that charged us $35 for terrible customer service and disgusting food. DO NOT GO, save your money and go literally anywhere else…

Rolling Sushi – Menu with Prices – 12592 Foothill Blvd, Rancho Cucamonga

This place has horrible customer service. We walked in and waited to get served someone came and took our order. 10 minutes later a party of four comes in they were high-fiving the chef and they proceeded to go sit down. We waited another 15 minutes they got their food even though we had ordered before them. We proceeded to wait another 15 minutes. We then asked where our food was and didn’t get a response. We asked why it was the other party got their food first and the server told us it was because they are regulars and the chef knew what they wanted. We paid for our drinks and proceeded to leave.

La Culichi Fresa – Menu with Prices – 1517 N Baker Ave, Ontario

Honestly this is the worst restaurant experience i have ever experienced. The first thing i asked for was a margarita(which was on the menu). The server came back & said they didnt have alcohol. Then when i asked for pozole (which is on the menu) she said no once again. Then i asked if they had wings (which is on the menu), i was once told no. We were never given silverware until asked for. Then last but not least, i asked for the fettuccine Alfredo pasta. Waited an hour for it, then the server comes out & tells me they dont have Alfredo. Then when i go to pay for my food, waited 15 min for my check, my gaucamole wasnt in my togo bag that i asked for. Which i was charged for. Then had to wait an extra 10 min for them to make the guacamole for me. I will not be coming back.

First Watch – Durham – Menu with Prices – 5307 New Hope Commons Blvd Ext, Durham

Probably the rudest waiter i’ve ever had, middle-of-the-road food couldnt save the poor service. Decided to go somewhere new on saturday morning. Coming into the restaurant we were received with a mild greeting and seated. Our waiter arrived and asked what we’d like to drink. No welcome, no greeting, if there were specials we didnt hear about them, he did not even give his name. Because i dont have his name I can only say that he was working 7/6/19 at some point between 12 and 2 pm, was tall, overweight, slicked back short black curly hair, and he had a face like he didnt want to be there. he was waiting tables in the booth area near the windows away from the front door. We ordered our drinks, hot cocoa for them and I order sweet tea. He came back a few minutes later and wordlessly dropped them on the table, the water glasses were on the table, they remained unfilled. I was with my wife, mother-in-law and her aunt, english is not their first language and they are very picky eaters. They spent about 5 minutes reading the menu before he came by and asked what we were ordering.. I look over and my mother in law is literally in the process of squinting at the menu when he asks us this.. My wife is still reading a menu and her aunt still has one in her face as well.. no one had a menu on the table, no one was staring around idly, no one flagged him down, in no way shape or form was there a cue for him to ask us our order.. dude didnt even ask if we needed more time or had questions.. because theyre foreign theyre often uncomfortable ordering food, my wife hurries both of them through the menu while the waiter essentially stands there with an irritated demeanor and toe-taps. he takes the order and hes gone. I couldnt follow his interactions with the other tables but they didnt look like they were any better. what makes it worse is he didnt seem all that busy or rushed, while that doesnt excuse his behavior, it would have at least made it understandable. our drinks ran out and shortly after, our food arrived and it was pushed onto our table. if there was a utensil, cup, hand, cell phone, purse, whatever on the table, it was shoved out of the way by a plate.. at this point it was comical how much this dude did not give a damn. the plates were shoved onto the table and he was gone. The hot cocoa cups were empty, the water glasses still werent filled, and my tea was just ice. No drink refills, no mid-meal check up. He came by, asked if we would be splitting our check and that was the last of him. oh yeah, i forgot about the food.. Overall the food was “okay” but completely forgettable.. hell, ill only remember this place cause the waiter was a terrible host..

Wolverine Party Store Menu with Prices 2527 Dexter Ave, Ann Arbor

This place has HORRIBLE customer service and sells over priced liquor. Upon entering the store, I asked an associate for a handle of the “regular” Bacardi. I received about 10 minutes of attitude, proclaiming that I needed to distinguish better because the “regular” bacardi is actually the brown, not the clear. After this, I patiently waited at the counter while the associate completely ignored me (doing what I’m not sure), and then came over, only to let another customer skip me in line! When I was finally assisted, he told me the total, which was $15 more than the sign identified. When I brought this up, he snapped at me that that was for a different liquor and that the one I was buying was actually the lowest legal price to sell the alcohol (NOT true–it was about $15 OVER the regular price.) He the proceeded to run my credit card TWICE, and when I asked him about it, he snapped again and told me that since I had taken so long to make a decision, he had to run it again and that it had not been double charged. In short, unless you want rude service and overpriced liquor, there is no reason to visit this establishment.

Loving Hut Glendale, AZ – Menu with Prices – 3515 W Union Hills Dr, Glendale

I have never seen such unmotivated customer service. I drove 30 minutes for their frozen vegan shrimp and when i didn’t find any in the freezer, i asked the employee helping me if i may know when they get their next shipment. He then asked what i assume is to be the employee in charge, and she said they just received a new shipment last night but has no clue what it is. I stood in silence, wondering if any of them where going to even offer to look. After a moment of silence, I then asked if there is by chance a packet of frozen shrimp for purchase. The employee in charge then said “I have no clue, and we are really busy for mothers day so we may not even have time to stock the freezers. I also don’t have a set of keys to unlock that freezer.” I honestly couldn’t believe her response. She had given me 3 excuses in 1 statement. I myself, came in on Saturday with my son on the day before mother’s day and I can promise you, it was not busy at all. When she noticed how taken back I was by their unprofessionalism, she added “you can call us Monday or Tuesday to see if we have restocked the freezer. ” I am clearly a committed customer if I was willing to drive 30 minutes just for 1 purchase and the head employee couldn’t make the same effort. They sure made my mother’s day.

The Chicken Barn – Menu with Prices – 2601 Oakdale Rd # S, Modesto

The food is good but the service is actually horrible. I ordered on the phone and came in because I was in a hurry. Not one customer was there and they made me wait 15 minutes longer once I got there for a 10 peice chicken meal. It’s like they didnt want me to place a pickup order, they didnt like that. And the lady was rude. I really wont go anymore because the whole staff is actually VERY RUDE. 100% the rudest establishment I’ve been to. Horrible customer service.

Santucci’s Original Square Pizza – Menu with Prices – 655 N Broad St, Philadelphia

I felt targeted today and do not understand why. We arrived, followed soon by two other couples. We were asked to all sit on the benches while the tables were prepared. An extra table was added in a high traffic area to accommodate the Met event overflow. This crappy new table was offered to us. I asked for the table next to it – slightly less in the flow of traffic. They said yes. A few minutes later, both couples who arrived after us were seated at cushioned seats in low traffic areas. One couple had French fires before we even ordered. We waited. And waited. And ordered drinks. The two couples just behind us received their food and FINISHED their food before we RECEIVED our salad and main meal. The couple arriving WAY after us who was seated at the impromptu crappy table that we were first offered received their food before us. The food was great. But the experience was stressful and the “compensation” of not charging us for garlic bread that we ordered at 6:40pm, but received at 7:30pm was bizarre. It is truly a shame because I have enjoyed this place so many times, but the experience today felt passive aggressive, stressful, and creepy.

Miller’s Ale House – Columbus Easton – Menu with Prices – 3884 Morse Rd, Columbus

First time at this place. Went with a group of 6 other women for lunch. There was only about 4 other tables that had people at them. There was a lot of outdoor seating and there were several people out there. DO NOT GO HERE IF YOU ARE HANDICAPPED unless someone can drop you off at the front door! The front doors face east and just to the right(north) of the front door are THREE parking spaces for carry out plus 2 regular spaces. If you need to park in a handicap space, you have to park all the way at the other end of the building. My mother had to stop 3 times to rest before she got to the table, which was one table away from the north wall of the restaurant. So she had to walk the WHOLE length of the restaurant to be seated. If I sound a bit perturbed, it’s bc I AM! I saw the manager walk by and motioned him over and told him that I had a complaint about the handicapped spaces being at the opposite end of the restaurant. He said the City of Columbus was the one who chose where to put the handicapped spaces. Frankly, I don’t think the City would do that but he said they did. Will I be calling the City to register a complaint? You bet I will!! It’s terrible to have to watch your handicapped mother struggle to walk all that way!! It’s hard to believe that the 3 closest spots aren’t for the handicapped but for carry out orders. Now for the food. They have a daily special, Monday thru Friday, one for lunch and one for dinner. They also have a nice lunch menu with items that you can order any day, not just specific days. I ordered a half a flatbread & house salad combo which was only $5.99, which I thought was a great deal. The salad had lettuce, cheese, diced tomatoes, and purple onion. I had their spicy ranch which was not very spicy. The salad was decent. The flatbread had shrimp, andouille sausage, corn, scallions, and roasted red peppers. I opted to go for no red peppers bc they don’t like me. Everyone had received their food except me and our server said they had made mine w the red peppers and they caught it & were remaking it. I thought that reflected well on our server for catching it before he brought it out. They asked if I wanted my salad & I said yes (rather than sitting there with nothing while everyone else ate). I was about 1/2 way thru my salad when they finally did bring my 1/2 flatbread. I’m including pics of it. I thot the toppings were pretty skimpy. It tasted ok but I sure wouldn’t order it again. 3 people ordered the lunch fish & chips. 1 person loved it, 1 thot it was just ok &1 thot it tasted ok but was very greasy. 1 person received 3 pieces and the other 2 received 4 pieces but all pieces were about the same size. I could understand the 1 person only getting 3 if they were larger pieces but they weren’t. The service was just above average I’m not really sure if I would go here again. I had heard not great things about it but that didn’t deter me from going bc I like to make up my own mind. Gonna have to think about if they deserve my business. VERY Disappointed!