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I didn’t know employees could even be this bad. Imagine coming in when there is no line and it taking them 15 minutes to make your stuff because theyre talking to their friends at the counter.

Moe’s Hot Wings – Menu with Prices – 5910 Mt Moriah Rd, Memphis

I don’t know how the food was but the service sucks big time. When I walked in there was one female behind the counter and one on the outside, they were talking in their native language and never stopped the whole seven to eight minutes that I waited to be acknowledged. No hello, no welcome to Moe’s, no may I help you. The one on the outside started to the door once but the one behind the counter started talking again so she came back. Best I could tell she was not a customer nor did it seem to be an argument, just talk. They kept looking at their phones. The counter one looked over at me once while I was looking at the menu on the counter but never said a word to me. So after a few more minutes I left and I won’t be going back plus if I can help it neither will friends or family members.

Scooter’s Coffee – Menu with Prices – 401 W O St, Lincoln

I don’t recommend this place! First, it took a few minutes for anyone to come up to the counter and help me because the 4 employees were just standing around behind the counter talking to each other about their personal lives. When someone did come up, she was very friendly. I ordered a very plain egg salad sandwich which I expected could be made right away and pretty quick too given that it is very simple and there were no other customers and the employees weren’t doing anything. But I was given a buzzer so I would be notified when the sandwich was ready. Unfortunately, the buzzer never went off so I just kept sitting there and sitting there. Until finally someone noticed me looking around wondering what was taking so long. Evidentially, my sandwich had been sitting in the window for me to take for a while. BAD idea to give a buzzer to the one and only customer you have! Wouldn’t it be smarter to give personalized service by remembering who I am and bringing it to me, especially since I’m 9 months pregnant and sitting right next to the food window? Do you really need that many employees with that few customers? Maybe if you had less, they would focus more on work and the customers than each other.

Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen – Menu with Prices – 4511 Saufley Field Rd, Pensacola

I visited this new store on (12/14/18) around 9pm, when i arrived ,the line was around the building,after sitting there for 20 mins just to order my food. As i went to order.my food the person taking the order was rude over the intercom,and i had to repeat myself 3 timea because she was apparently talking to other employees instead of taking my order,after ordering i sat for another 10 mins watching 3 different cars infront of me leave. So after 15 total.mins i make it to the window. So i go to.pay for my food. There was 2 people on there phones walking around chit-chatting with eachother. So one girl come to the window and tells me its gonna be another 15 mins for my meal(which was suppost to be a 5 piece strip meal) and asked me if that was okay…No it wasnt but after a 10hr shift. I was hungry and just wanted my food. I WILL NEVER go to this store again. I didn’t leave out the drive thur till 10pm. Customer service was rude and i didnt even get what i ordered.i was given a 4 piece spicy mix box not strips. This store needs to fix there drive thur times.and get better employees.

Fusion Lounge – Menu with Prices – 6915 Dixie Rd #4, Mississauga

My boyfriend & I have been regulars at fusion for quite sometime now, the staff is amazing. The service is even better. Ive been to the other sisha lounge in brampton just to see the difference and fusion was by far a better option, heck we left after 30 minutes & went to fusion instead. I was there about 2 weeks ago now & when we went to get up and pay I literally fainted and fell to the ground. The staff was awesome, the owner sat with me ans explained that it was ok and its happened before because of course I was embrassed. As soon as I woke up theyre was a pop in my face and the owner did not let us leave until he felt like I would be okay and I just wanted to give a huge thank you to the owner and the staff at fusion lounge for theyre outstanding service everytime. This is always my go to spot to hang out with friends. 10/10 recommended

Birdie Bowl & Juicery – Menu with Prices – 3313 Hyland Ave, Costa Mesa

Came here during my lunch with my coworkers and enjoyed every minute of it! Very refreshing and filling as well! Its a nice break from all the grease and fried food i was eating and i felt so healthy after eating it even though im def not LOL please give this place a try sometime if you love acai bowls! Pros: – Staff is very friendly here! She was really patient with me when I was ordering my food! her friend was the customer before me and they were talking for a while but i didnt mind and she kept apologizing to me for that so it was awesome of her for being aware of that but tbh, i didnt mind! – Theyre menu has everything for everyone! you can definitely find something here for you that youd like and you can also do add ons as well! I ordered the Pitaya colada but i subbed the pitaya for acai! i LOVE toasted coconuts in my acai bowls and cranola as well so this bowl was screaming my name! – When you pick up your order, they have extra toppings at the station too! They have agave, brown sugar and honey! I LOOOVE honey on my bowls so i kept coming back after eating each layer of my bowl. a lot of places don’t offer this but i appreciated that birdie has this for their customers! Mehs: – i wish my bowl was a little bit sweeter! maybe its because im the most unhealthiest person in the world but i got tired of my bowl after a while because it wasnt sweet enough! Cons: None

First Watch – Durham – Menu with Prices – 5307 New Hope Commons Blvd Ext, Durham

Probably the rudest waiter i’ve ever had, middle-of-the-road food couldnt save the poor service. Decided to go somewhere new on saturday morning. Coming into the restaurant we were received with a mild greeting and seated. Our waiter arrived and asked what we’d like to drink. No welcome, no greeting, if there were specials we didnt hear about them, he did not even give his name. Because i dont have his name I can only say that he was working 7/6/19 at some point between 12 and 2 pm, was tall, overweight, slicked back short black curly hair, and he had a face like he didnt want to be there. he was waiting tables in the booth area near the windows away from the front door. We ordered our drinks, hot cocoa for them and I order sweet tea. He came back a few minutes later and wordlessly dropped them on the table, the water glasses were on the table, they remained unfilled. I was with my wife, mother-in-law and her aunt, english is not their first language and they are very picky eaters. They spent about 5 minutes reading the menu before he came by and asked what we were ordering.. I look over and my mother in law is literally in the process of squinting at the menu when he asks us this.. My wife is still reading a menu and her aunt still has one in her face as well.. no one had a menu on the table, no one was staring around idly, no one flagged him down, in no way shape or form was there a cue for him to ask us our order.. dude didnt even ask if we needed more time or had questions.. because theyre foreign theyre often uncomfortable ordering food, my wife hurries both of them through the menu while the waiter essentially stands there with an irritated demeanor and toe-taps. he takes the order and hes gone. I couldnt follow his interactions with the other tables but they didnt look like they were any better. what makes it worse is he didnt seem all that busy or rushed, while that doesnt excuse his behavior, it would have at least made it understandable. our drinks ran out and shortly after, our food arrived and it was pushed onto our table. if there was a utensil, cup, hand, cell phone, purse, whatever on the table, it was shoved out of the way by a plate.. at this point it was comical how much this dude did not give a damn. the plates were shoved onto the table and he was gone. The hot cocoa cups were empty, the water glasses still werent filled, and my tea was just ice. No drink refills, no mid-meal check up. He came by, asked if we would be splitting our check and that was the last of him. oh yeah, i forgot about the food.. Overall the food was “okay” but completely forgettable.. hell, ill only remember this place cause the waiter was a terrible host..

Filipino food truck – Menu with Prices – 4305 E Platte Ave, Colorado Springs

I’m just giving them two stars, not for their quality of the food, but for the service. I had ordered and communicated with them that I needed lumpia for a party. When I went to the truck, the nice gentleman had no idea what I was talking about. I was very disappointed, but luckily they had extra, just enough for me to bring to my party. I felt like my order wasn’t important then. Then I had tried to politely order fried fish from them, but they told me that they couldn’t make it for that week. A few minutes passed by and I told her that I was open for next week. She replied, “we take orders on the 16th”. Then she then stopped messaging me completely. Maybe some of it may be me, but if you really cared enough, you’d go above and beyond to make that sale. Not stop talking to a customer completely, especially if they showed great interest in your product. Also, if you are running a business, instruct a bit better to your employees. If you are taking the order, communicate to your other employees in your truck about the order you had taken. I’ll be taking my business elsewhere to either You-Ka Cafe or Chowsun. I don’t have time to play games. Just anywhere else. I was super excited to try their food too.

Rusty’s Billiards Menu with Prices 3151 S Cooper St #400, Arlington

Used to be a fairly regular spot for me and some friends up until last year. Cheep drinks plenty of tables and the staff was easy going for the most part. Except one. If you see a short, plump young woman with black hair and glasses stay away. Was waiting in line for the restroom and both stalls were occupied. There was two other women ahead of me. One stall stayed occupied for a long time I didnt want to be rude so I stayed quiet, but Jesus H. Christ did I have to pee. Turns out the reason one was occupied for so long was because she was in there crying. I felt sad for her since she had a bad day but I had to go and my bladder has no empathy for the weak. I asked if she minded finishing up since there was a line and if she could just step out for a moment to let people use the restroom. Instead of being civil i was met with shrill “IM BUSY!” And that was enough to set me off. I tell her the toilet isn’t a good fucking therapist and that she shouldn’t hold up the line. At this point I had one fucking shiner I had my wits about me but she threatened to cut me off. Lol k. She finally threw the door open and boy did it look like she had an ugly cry to match her ugly personality. After I was done I went to speak to the manager and he didnt seem suprised at all, or even phased. Seems like he is used to this from her. He offered me a free shot and said sorry which I guess in the moment is the best you can do. Only reason they don’t get one star. All my friend’s and I had a good laugh but haven’t been back since. Not worth it if the employees are fine making paying regular customers wait for the restroom cause they have thin skin. Maybe expand your ladies room to have more than two stalls, or train your employees better.

Pine State Coffee – Menu with Prices – 1614 Automotive Way, Raleigh

I loved the open space and high ceilings! It had soooo much work space! I loved that they had outlets attached to the table because they want you to hang out and work or do whatever! I went to 42nd and Lawrence and spent $13 on an iced coffee and an over priced brownie only to find that they didn’t have outlets and when I asked if he could plug my laptop up behind the counter (it was RIGHT on the other side of the counter from me, wouldn’t have been a big deal) he said okay but then went and stood in the back and only came out for customers and then would go hide again without looking at me. I had to go to Morning Times and spend more money and it cut into the time I needed for my project. I LOVE the work space at Pine State. I even really enjoy the bike stuff on one of the walls. It feels like your hanging out at a friends house. Very welcoming. I saw some complaints about toasting your own pastry but 1) it’s not rocket science 2) I really like that I can get it exactly how I want it. It would be too hot and if it’s not warm enough, I don’t have to go back in line and ask them to heat it again, or the other option, leave disappointed. I imagine that since it just opened and there aren’t that many employees that they have the toast oven system so that you have the option to toast it (SO NICE they super didn’t even have to put it out there!!) without slowing down the production of their craft coffee drinks. It isn’t Starbucks where you hit a button and a shot comes straight out. They have to grind the coffee, tamp it (I think that’s the correct term?) make the shot and steam your milk….would you rather wait in line longer while your pastry and everyone else’s pastry gets toasted? What if you don’t want your pastry heated? You’d still be stuck in line behind people who did. I think it was nice they put it out there. I can’t believe anyone complains about a perk. I’m sure once they have more employees they will probably do that service for you, but until then, how about not find something so stupid to complain about? This place is super awesome.

Fresh Smoothies & Cafe – Menu with Prices – 2450 Creston Ave, The Bronx

I would like to think it was because I came in 15 min to closing but that shouldnt change the attitude that you have towards the customer. I walked in and the ladies were talking they looked at me and continued talking. Very disrespectful didnt get greeted or anything, so I said excuse me and asked for what I wanted. Then I told her ill buy an orange juice aswell only for the simple fact that I wanted to see the machine working she stated that the machine is off and the juice was premade that defeated the purpose of wanting the juice so I didnt get it, but They have a lil process that’s done to meet customers satisfaction they serve you an ounce or 2 of w.e. smoothie you ordered to taste for perfection incase you want to add anything or change anything but as I get my sample the lady started to pour it in the cup, didnt wait for my opinion. It wasnt as cold as I would have wanted it to be but didnt wanna start anything I just said it was fine. The one moping gets mad because my boots were dirty she told me to stand by the door and the other lady tells me to come over to the cashier to pay and the one mopping gets mad. I just think for a first time experience on a Friday night it should have been a little better.. I’ll come again another time maybe I’ll change my rating but as of now very disappointed

Offset Coffee – Menu with Prices – 24416 Crenshaw Blvd #1, Torrance

I can’t… 1st Visit: Passed by this coffee shop a few times. A friend suggested we meet there. Noticed the construction going on. We managed to get a parking space in front of the coffee shop but parking was super tight. When we walked in to order, we noticed that the (owners/ managers) people who seemed to be part of the coffee shop were talking in the middle of the small coffee shop but did not greet us which was ok, but they were in the way. We stood in line, but somehow went unnoticed to the employees for a few minutes. Because we were meeting a friend, we couldn’t just leave. Finally, I got the attention of the lady behind the counter and I ordered pastries and coffees. Meanwhile, i noticed that the 2 gentlemen who seemed to be part of the operations kept opening the door and the asphalt smell kept creeping into the coffee shop. I noticed that a customer left because she couldn’t sit outside (because of the smell). My lavender latte was average but their avocado toast was pretty good. Also tried their iced Horchata, it was good but a bit too sweet. Spent $69 on semi good lattes, and good roasts. Promised myself I’d visit them again before writing a review. 2nd Visit: Went with my sister as she lives close by. Service was 4/10. Again, we were the only 2 in line and there were 2 employees behind the counter but yet it took several minutes to greet us. The Horchata was sweeter this time than last. My sister loved her rose latte but her avocado toast tasted tangy (maybe too much lemon)? There were only 5 people inside the place but the parking was full so we had to park next door. Spent $36… I can’t go back to a place that was disappointing 2x. Really sad. Was REALLY hoping it would be my go to coffee shop

Subway Restaurants – Menu with Prices – 2838 S Texas 6, Houston

My experiences at this location have repeatedly been absolutely horrible. Today was the worst. I was in line, asked for my sandwich to be toasted. There was one person in line in front of me and one person behind me. There were 2 subway employees behind the counter and for some reason both the person in front of me AND the person behind me got their sandwiches toasted and complete before me. I was skipped in line, and then I was asked if I wanted my sandwich toasted, AGAIN. I will not be back to this location ever again. I mind as well go to another sandwich shop than to deal with constant miscommunication and a staff of employees that are incompetent.