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RANT Warning 47th Expresso & Drip Coffee is a rip off . I paid 5.00+ for a 24 oz iced strawberry mango RedBull no cream no whip. Not only can I get a 32oz for 5.00$ (even)at one of my usual spots (which isn’t a problem was in a different area thought I’d give it a try) (this is my problem) I took literally 4 sips & my drink was gone. I can say for a fact she didn’t use a full can of RedBull and it was all ice. I order these pretty often & it can take me awhile to even finish a 20oz so for me to finish it within a block radius says a lot ! I won’t be returning & thought people should know they’re getting stiffed on their drinks !

Bend Coffee Republic Menu with Prices 755 NE Greenwood Ave, Bend

Took awhile to make the drinks and dealt with 2 different ladies and felt both didn’t communicate clearly and was shocked when our total came to $15.50. This was for two 16oz strawberry smoothies one infused with redbull and a blueberry muffin. It would have been nice to know that there would be a $3.50 charge for the redbull for the infused drink. I will not be going back the drinks weren’t good and the muffin tasted rotten. This is the worst coffee stand I’ve ever been too.

Scooter’s Coffee – Menu with Prices – 2904 Lavon Dr, Garland

Literally the best place ever! They have a candy blender “frappuccino ” So example I get the milky way blender. It’s a milky way chopped up Then had coffee brewed through it. Then strained Coffee goes in a cup with chocolate syrup and ice and cream and blended! It is very smooth and chocolatey and literally the best thing ever! Also they got me addicted to redbull again… I haven’t had any for 10 months… What did they do? They came out with a new redbull infused drink. Pick your red bull and syrup! I got the Tropical Redbull with Prickly pear syrup… its literally amazing especially if you haven’t had redbull isln…. days.

First Watch – Durham – Menu with Prices – 5307 New Hope Commons Blvd Ext, Durham

Probably the rudest waiter i’ve ever had, middle-of-the-road food couldnt save the poor service. Decided to go somewhere new on saturday morning. Coming into the restaurant we were received with a mild greeting and seated. Our waiter arrived and asked what we’d like to drink. No welcome, no greeting, if there were specials we didnt hear about them, he did not even give his name. Because i dont have his name I can only say that he was working 7/6/19 at some point between 12 and 2 pm, was tall, overweight, slicked back short black curly hair, and he had a face like he didnt want to be there. he was waiting tables in the booth area near the windows away from the front door. We ordered our drinks, hot cocoa for them and I order sweet tea. He came back a few minutes later and wordlessly dropped them on the table, the water glasses were on the table, they remained unfilled. I was with my wife, mother-in-law and her aunt, english is not their first language and they are very picky eaters. They spent about 5 minutes reading the menu before he came by and asked what we were ordering.. I look over and my mother in law is literally in the process of squinting at the menu when he asks us this.. My wife is still reading a menu and her aunt still has one in her face as well.. no one had a menu on the table, no one was staring around idly, no one flagged him down, in no way shape or form was there a cue for him to ask us our order.. dude didnt even ask if we needed more time or had questions.. because theyre foreign theyre often uncomfortable ordering food, my wife hurries both of them through the menu while the waiter essentially stands there with an irritated demeanor and toe-taps. he takes the order and hes gone. I couldnt follow his interactions with the other tables but they didnt look like they were any better. what makes it worse is he didnt seem all that busy or rushed, while that doesnt excuse his behavior, it would have at least made it understandable. our drinks ran out and shortly after, our food arrived and it was pushed onto our table. if there was a utensil, cup, hand, cell phone, purse, whatever on the table, it was shoved out of the way by a plate.. at this point it was comical how much this dude did not give a damn. the plates were shoved onto the table and he was gone. The hot cocoa cups were empty, the water glasses still werent filled, and my tea was just ice. No drink refills, no mid-meal check up. He came by, asked if we would be splitting our check and that was the last of him. oh yeah, i forgot about the food.. Overall the food was “okay” but completely forgettable.. hell, ill only remember this place cause the waiter was a terrible host..

Magnolia Kitchen & Bar – Menu with Prices – 1601 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington

I came here with a friend for happy hour and was very disappointed with the service and the way we were treated, thus I don’t recommend going to Magnolia Kitchen & Bar, and I certainly won’t be returning any time soon! We had ordered drinks at the bar, a little before happy hour was going to end. We decided that we also wanted to get food, but there weren’t any spots at the bar, so we went up to the hostess to see if any tables were available so we could be seated and order dinner. The waitress said that a table was available and we said we just had to close our tab out at the bar first and we’d be ready to be seated. We went back to the hostess and she led us over to our table. We literally were about to sit down at the table the hostess led us over to when a guy who works at the restaurant said we couldn’t sit there. Wait, what? The table the hostess at your restaurant led us to and we’re being seated at we can’t sit at? The restaurant worker said it was because we had purchased our drinks at the bar, so he’d be happy to seat us at the table after we finished our drinks. Well that made no sense, so I would have to chug down my drink I just ordered before I can sit at the table I was almost sitting at. It’s not as if I decided to seat myself at the table. We went up the hostess. She knew we had just ordered drinks and was seating us at a table. We had planned to order more drinks and dinner, but that didn’t seem to matter because this guy stated it was unfair to the servers to order a drink at the bar and then be seated at a table. Mind you, this rationale doesn’t take into account the people who decide not to order drinks at all or the fact that the hostess knew we had just ordered drinks and was going to seat us. Furthermore, most restaurants encourage you to go to the bar and get a drink while you’re waiting for your table and I’ve never seen a restaurant not let you bring your drink from the bar to your table or state you have to finish your drink before they’ll seat you. (Also, the difference between the happy hour bar prices and the menu was only like $2). He said he didn’t want to set a precedent that if you ordered your drink at the bar, you could bring it with you to your table. Also, this doesn’t even seem to be a consistent policy among the staff because we literally were being seated at our table by the hostess, no less, when this guy (I don’t know whether he was another host or a manager or what exactly his position was) comes out of nowhere and says we can’t be seated yet until we finish our drinks first. He then proceeded to rudely lecture us. Mind you, it’s not as if we sat at a random open table. We had been lead to the table BY THE HOSTESS! No apology, just more lecturing. Fine, we’ll finish our drinks and go get dinner somewhere else. So then we stand off to the side by the bar to finish our drinks where the guy then proceeds to bump my friend during the multiple times he walked by because there wasn’t enough room to stand near the bar, which is part of the reason why we decided to get a table to order dinner. I can’t comment on the food here because after we never even got to order or try it. (We realized we were a short walk from Lauriol Plaza, so we had a great dinner and service there instead!) So just to prove his point, instead the rude service lost us as customers. He even had the nerve to say at the end of all of this that if he had let us sit there this time, we’d then come back with friends next time and say well we had been seated last time. It was a little presumptuous to think we’d be returning after being so rudely lectured and talked down to. I definitely won’t be going back there anytime soon and I encourage you to avoid this restaurant too until they have some training in basic courtesy and customer service! If the hostess didn’t understand the restaurant&

Tacos Los Campesinos – Menu with Prices – 1555 Vassar St, Reno

I went there for lunch today. The restaurant was full as it was a small establishment. Looked like the staff needed help clearing the tables for people to sit down. I felt bad for them. I thought about lending them a hand. It took awhile to get my order. I ordered a steak burrito to go. I thought the prices were a little high for a burrito but I thought I’d give them a try. It turned out that the burrito was really good. The lady running the cash register apologized for the long wait. As for the prices, yah I think everything in Reno is going up. So maybe the prices may be fair. They just need to hire more help for the lunch rush I guess. I’ll go back at a different time and try something else. Like I said, the food was good and the service was friendly. There was also plenty of parking.

Birdie Bowl & Juicery – Menu with Prices – 3313 Hyland Ave, Costa Mesa

Came here during my lunch with my coworkers and enjoyed every minute of it! Very refreshing and filling as well! Its a nice break from all the grease and fried food i was eating and i felt so healthy after eating it even though im def not LOL please give this place a try sometime if you love acai bowls! Pros: – Staff is very friendly here! She was really patient with me when I was ordering my food! her friend was the customer before me and they were talking for a while but i didnt mind and she kept apologizing to me for that so it was awesome of her for being aware of that but tbh, i didnt mind! – Theyre menu has everything for everyone! you can definitely find something here for you that youd like and you can also do add ons as well! I ordered the Pitaya colada but i subbed the pitaya for acai! i LOVE toasted coconuts in my acai bowls and cranola as well so this bowl was screaming my name! – When you pick up your order, they have extra toppings at the station too! They have agave, brown sugar and honey! I LOOOVE honey on my bowls so i kept coming back after eating each layer of my bowl. a lot of places don’t offer this but i appreciated that birdie has this for their customers! Mehs: – i wish my bowl was a little bit sweeter! maybe its because im the most unhealthiest person in the world but i got tired of my bowl after a while because it wasnt sweet enough! Cons: None

Stars & Stripes Espresso – Menu with Prices – 9122 Evergreen Way #7118, Everett

I stopped by there a couple weeks ago and the girl that was helping me was Katrina I was not happy with her service I ordered a 32 ounce strawberry Redbull Italian soda with no creams whatsoever I told her no ice she still put ice in it and then she got an attitude when I told her I didn’t want any ice that’s not my fault you weren’t listening and obviously you have a hard time multitasking with two customers so she took the ice out of it but there was still like 25 to 30% of emptiness in my cup she could’ve gave me more strawberry or more club soda or something how are you just going to charge me seven or eight dollars for that big ass cup and it’s like empty and you’re gonna tell me that’s how it goes that’s bullshit I don’t appreciate that whatsoever I did call back two days after I visited there and spoke to another female forgot her name I ask her to remake my drink because I wasn’t happy with the way the other girl made it and then this girl made it the same way I went to a store and bought another Redbull to top off my drink I just won’t ever return to this coffee stand and I making the word go around that this coffee stand sucks the girls that work there just rude and they don’t really give a shit about your drinks all they want is tips I don’t think so! Not a happy customer I’ll never be back!

Fusion Lounge – Menu with Prices – 6915 Dixie Rd #4, Mississauga

My boyfriend & I have been regulars at fusion for quite sometime now, the staff is amazing. The service is even better. Ive been to the other sisha lounge in brampton just to see the difference and fusion was by far a better option, heck we left after 30 minutes & went to fusion instead. I was there about 2 weeks ago now & when we went to get up and pay I literally fainted and fell to the ground. The staff was awesome, the owner sat with me ans explained that it was ok and its happened before because of course I was embrassed. As soon as I woke up theyre was a pop in my face and the owner did not let us leave until he felt like I would be okay and I just wanted to give a huge thank you to the owner and the staff at fusion lounge for theyre outstanding service everytime. This is always my go to spot to hang out with friends. 10/10 recommended

The Other Room – Menu with Prices – 3009 Paseo, Oklahoma City

This is the worst experience I’ve had at a bar. My wife and I were married yesterday and decided to come to this establishment to celebrate with three good friends of ours. When we arrived, my wife and friends went to the back patio to have a smoke while I went to the bar to get us our first round of drinks. I asked for 2 pacificos and 3 shots for us all. The young blonde woman behind the bar said “no, you can have 2 beers and no shots, or nothing at all.” I’ve been a bartender for ten years so I’ve cut people off and denied service for every reason out there, so I know how and why it happens. What i didn’t understand is why I was being refused service. But I’m not unreasonable so I asked if she could give me a reason why (maybe she didn’t believe that i had people with me or she thought i was already intoxicated, both valid reasons). I asked why I wasn’t allowed to order our drinks and was told “because I said so.” That’s an awful way to run any business much less a bar. I ended up returning with 3 of our friends to show her I wasn’t planning on drinking all alone. She gave me the same speech again, this time adding, ” or you can leave.” So we left with no drinks and brought our business elsewhere. All I needed was just a reason that I wasnt allowed to spend money at this establishment to celebrate a momentous day with loved ones, and I would have accepted and adjusted. I will not be returning to this place in the future.

Fresh Smoothies & Cafe – Menu with Prices – 2450 Creston Ave, The Bronx

I would like to think it was because I came in 15 min to closing but that shouldnt change the attitude that you have towards the customer. I walked in and the ladies were talking they looked at me and continued talking. Very disrespectful didnt get greeted or anything, so I said excuse me and asked for what I wanted. Then I told her ill buy an orange juice aswell only for the simple fact that I wanted to see the machine working she stated that the machine is off and the juice was premade that defeated the purpose of wanting the juice so I didnt get it, but They have a lil process that’s done to meet customers satisfaction they serve you an ounce or 2 of w.e. smoothie you ordered to taste for perfection incase you want to add anything or change anything but as I get my sample the lady started to pour it in the cup, didnt wait for my opinion. It wasnt as cold as I would have wanted it to be but didnt wanna start anything I just said it was fine. The one moping gets mad because my boots were dirty she told me to stand by the door and the other lady tells me to come over to the cashier to pay and the one mopping gets mad. I just think for a first time experience on a Friday night it should have been a little better.. I’ll come again another time maybe I’ll change my rating but as of now very disappointed

Quick Corner Liqour – Menu with Prices – 5026 W Thomas Rd, Phoenix

The guys who work at this store are so awesome! Theyre people-persons, always friendly, smiling and joking with their customers. THE BEST liquor/corner store around! If you havent been there you need to just once and youll keep goin back.

Thompson & Twain Prospecting Co. – Menu with Prices – 28544 Old Town Front St #101, Temecula

This place is a MUST try. Thompson & Twain is a hidden treasure behind a brown curtain in Crush & Brew. You can’t get into this place without a reservation or waiting your turn on a lengthy wait list. *Reservations are made online-and highly recommended* my wait time was approx 90 mins for a party of 2. The host sent me a text when my space was ready for me, however, I was down the street finishing dinner at Tabu. They will hold your spot for 15 mins, but are very flexible. I asked for a half hour and it was not a problem for them to extend the hold for me. The drinks are great! They offer a large selection of whiskey, rye, and gin. No beer, no wine, and no food. Just old time cowboy drinks! We Actually tried the desert drink, Pony Up. It’s described as a bourbon milkshake. In my opinion, it wasnt a milkshake, a mikkshake is ice creamy, instead it was more like a glass of eggnog or chocolate milk. (Vanilla, in this case) it was delicious though and I would order it again! All drinks are $13, unless noted otherwise. The bar tenders were great, very busy, but great. I did wish they were dressed like in the pictures to make the vibe a little more old time, but they weren’t. ? The decor is gorgeous, not a single detail was missed. Please find the time, to make some time for a visit here. Definitely a hidden gem! **4/5 only because the tone from one bar tender was kinda rough.. I really didnt like it. At the bar, they have these small spray bottles that look like lipstick tubes. My friend and I really thought they were perfume. (As we were walking in from outdoors, we were talking about how we forgot to thrown our perfume or spray in our purse, yeah, girls, I know) so we were like “its perfume?” So I sprayed my wrists (LOL) and thought it smelt nice. LOL.. anyway, I asked the bartender if it were perfume and why do they have it on the bar. He said “its not perfume, you shouldn’t touch it” so I put it back and i said “what do you do with it” in a stern, not so friendly voice, his response was “YOU PUT IT BACK”. Well, duh.. Already did that. My bad for touching it.. Damn, full me in.. Teach me what its used for.. Shit, I came for the experience.. It was on the bar where I was sitting, and I didnt know what it was. I was curious, said i was sorry, and really didn’t appreciate the tone he used with me. I would have given 5*, but communication is everything. So remember, when you see those perfume bottles, they are whiskey, ment to top drinks.. Not perfume.. don’t touch them. I already did that for all of us! It did smell lovely though.. Minty and Smokey..