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The worst customer Service I’ve dealt with in a long time. So it was at about 715 this evening when my brother, my fiancee and I entered the establishment for the 1.00 tacos. I ordered 7 chicken tacos and a queso and jalapeno tamal and to wash it down an agua de pina. After waiting a solid ten minutes to get are food they finally called our number? After taking a bite from the smaller than average tamal my fiancee realized that it was pork and not what she ordered. Then After having to return the already bittin tamal and waiting an additional 10 minutes they finally brought out tamal #2 we thought forsure it would be the correct item but we were wrong! So now its been at least 20 minutes and we realize it was now a chicken tamal, still not what she ordered. After questioning why it was still the wrong tamal we were made to wait a good 3 to 5 minutes of stares and clueless looks. The cashier decides to come all the way to the table to ask what the problem was!?!?!?!? As if she was clueless to what was happening! Lol She didnt really offer any solution to the situation except t ok take the half eaten tamal alway and offer a “free” drink.i mentioned to her that that was not the proper offer considering all the wasted time and the ridiculousness of a free drink when there was sti a paid tamal unaccounted for. After a lil bickering back and fourth she financially stormed away while mumbling some that had the word refund under her breath like she had just been sent to her room! It still took an additional 10 minutes before we had to ask again about the refund before she finally got permission to give us a refund. Now its not about the 2.35 we got back rudely its about the lack of customer service and the lack of experience with customers. Id probably go back because i like some of there juices but it definitely won’t be this location. Btw she said her name started with a V. But i have a feeling she lied about that considering how immaturely she handled the problem.

Peony Tea House & Restaurant – Menu with Prices – 19072 Beach Blvd, Huntington Beach

This is probably the worse tea house I’ve ever been to. Customer service is horrible! Drinks ordered: Hong king milk tea and Thai “Green” Milk tea. –First off, there was only two of us in the store . Two drinks. They brought out the wrong Thai tea for my friend saying that it’s there green Thai tea. Then they brought out the green Thai tea with no boba. Upon mixing the Thai tea we notice something creamy and thick that wasn’t mixing easily on top. We were told later that it was Sea Cream! There was no description in the menu that there were sea cream in the drink. So we ask them to make us a brand new one without the sea cream because my friend does not like sea cream . They then had the audacity to bring out the same drink that is already mixed saying there is no sea cream!! When clearly it’s the same drink that is brought out. We ask them why is it mixed already and they admit that it’s the same exact drink! (Trying to keep calm through out ) So we demanded now for them to make a brand new one with no sea cream what so ever . And they said that they can’t do that because the recipes calls for it. Okay no problem , we simply asked for a refund at this point. The worker ( guy in white seemed clueless so we ask to speak with the manager) after time of delay and over hearing their convo in the back the “manager ” guy in black steps out. Guess what??! They “can’t refund because you already ordered it!” Is what the “manager ” said. WTH ? My friend can’t drink knowing there’s sea-cream and the drink was still sealed and untouched. Things escalated at this point. The so called manager became agitated and pissy. He says they can’t refund it because they losing money if they did. What?? For 5$??Never in my life I encounter such shit service. Instead of simply giving us the refund he had to try and save 5$??? Finally giving up he finally gave us the refund with a pissy attitude . Through out the whole thing we never once cussed at them , lucky for them but as we walk out , the guy in black cussed at us in viet unknowingly that we can understand what they said . Very unprofessional and rude. Attached is a picture of the two stooges! please I advise anyone from even think going here. Drinks sucked. Service sucked harder. 0 stars! Edit: replied back with an insult, very classy . I don’t have to wish for your business to go to the dirt. I won’t stoop down to your level. It’s already heading there with how the management handles customer complaints. Ridiculous! Oh and Nice copy and paste your comment to my friends review! Lol!! So Bad on all levels!

Woods Coffee Menu with Prices 2002 Bellevue Square, Bellevue

I was excited to have Woods coffee, as it was my favorite from Belli Guam a few years back. We trekked through Bellevue Square to find it, and it was a terrible experience. The line was quite long to order, and even longer to wait for drinks–never a good sign. We ordered two double-shot lattes for over ten bucks. Ouch. Then the waiting started. We waited about 15 minutes before the barista called my name. I went to get the drinks, and she said that the machine was broken and she could make something other than a latte. “I could pull the shots, but they’ll taste bad.” Or, she offered, we could have a refund. I said a refund would be fine, as I didn’t want a frozen drink. She said, “Go wait in line again to get the refund from the cashier.” I asked if there was another way to get a refund without waiting online again. She said unsympathetically, “Sorry.” So I waited in line again for another 10-15 minutes. That was three days ago and still no refund posted to my credit card. The entire operation seemed terrible, with little or no customer sense about it. We left and went to Starbucks. No more Woods for me, and I wouldn’t recommend this place for you, either.

The Teahouse Tapioca & Tea – Galleria Location – Menu with Prices – 5085 Westheimer Rd, Houston

I loved Teahouse and have been to multiple locations across Houston without any issues. Here I got a green tea and to my absolute disgust, there was a black hair in it, and I didn’t realize until I almost finished the drink since it sunk to the bottom. When I went back to talk to the manager they didn’t seem to take the issue too seriously and made me wait 15 minutes for a refund because taking other orders seemed to be more important. I asked to get my other drink refunded as well since my sister didn’t drink hers after being disgusted with the hair in mine, but they just seemed not to understand. The girl at the counter also did not seem to understand my question about if the jelly was vegetarian when I was placing my order. In short, only come here if you want terrible customer service and a hair in your drink ? Also, as a disclaimer this was not a scam I made up to get a refund. I don’t enjoy walking miles back through the galleria and waiting for a $4 refund, it’s just sad how disgusting it was and the minimal compensation and understanding I was given. After reading other reviews of this place I realized this wasn’t even a first for this location.

Black Rock Coffee Bar – Menu with Prices – 8128 SE Powell Blvd, Portland

I am a recent Black Rock convert. I work nearby and this location has replaced my routine morning coffee but not so sure after today’s visit when I found a HUGE MOTHER EFFER FLYYYY in my iced Americano. I mean, no big deal, things happen. Yes it’s disgusting and unfortunate but what is not acceptable is how I was treated when I went back during my lunch break to ask for them to make it right. They were apologetic but they were grilling me on what time I was there, my name, the last 4 of my credit card, so they could see if they could refund me. They initially offered me to remake my drink and give me a free one for next time. Great. But I didn’t want a coffee at that time so I asked if I could just get it refunded and a free one next time. Doesn’t seem like a big deal but as soon as I asked this, the woman had to ask someone else, “now he wants a refund AND a free one next time” Totally made me feel like I was inconveniencing them..I mean, I’m the paying customer that had a monster fly iny drink! Anyway, they couldn’t find me in their transaction history, even though the green haired guy took my order 3 hours earlier. They begrudgingly gave me $3 cash back and avoided all eye contact. Just felt wrong. Definitely not the standard of great or even good customer service.

World Of Wines – Menu with Prices – 1252 Lexington Ave, New York

This place is horrible. I have ordered from them numerous times out of convenience since they’re only 3 blocks away from my house and delivery is free. However , I am now officially done with them. And you guys should be too! They have the WORST communication. Within the past 3 months they have been messing up my orders. One example is they ran out of my wine selection instead of calling me with that update they made me wait 3 hours when I followed up wondering where my order was to then inform me that they didn’t have that in stock and would I want something else of equivalent value instead. Hmm you would think they would be the one to reach out first but nope that’s not their style. My next example is on a Saturday morning I had a birthday luncheon that started at 3 pm. I placed my order around noon. They didn’t have then and still don’t have now (even after I requested it via the phone and via email) their hours of delivery. So, after waiting (and being late to this luncheon) I called since it was now 2:30 pm. They claimed they don’t start deliveries until 2 pm. Hmmm wouldn’t that be something important to inform your customers who are ordering from you so they can plan ahead. Well clearly to them it wasn’t. My next example is I placed an order at 10 pm on a weekday and they close at 12 A.M. 12:15 A.M. hits and they still didn’t deliver my order they claimed I never placed it. I provided them the order number and they suddenly found it and delivered it at 12:30 A.M. why are you now coming to my apartment that late? It’s unacceptable. FINALLY THE MOST RECENT AND CHERRY ON TOP OF WHY THEY LOST ME AS A CUSTOMER is the fact that today Monday December 3rd I placed an order at 9:43 pm. They charged my card and gave me my confirmation of my order via email. It is now 12:28 am and I still haven’t received my wine. I just emailed them and asked for a refund. And informed them that for someone who lives so close and is a regular customer their lack of reliability and communication is what has caused them to lose me as a customer. With so many wine stores that offer a delivery service I’m not going to put up with their poor delivery services and lack of apologies for their constant mistakes. So goodbye world of wines you have now lost another customer.

Shaker Mill – Menu with Prices – 418 State St, Santa Barbara

I never leave negative reviews because I’m a chill customer with pretty low standards for customer service. But I’m leaving a one star because the customer service of the bartenders at Shaker Mill is terrible. I went there on a busy Friday afternoon and patiently waited for my turn to order a drink. I kept making eye contact with the bartender serving my side of the bar to signal that I’d like to order, but he kept taking drink orders from everyone else around me, even people who we both knew arrived after me. This wasn’t a big deal – I knew he was busy and I didn’t mind waiting until he was free so I could give him my order. After about 10 minutes of waiting, I sat down at an empty bar seat and signaled that I’d like to order a drink. He continued to ignored me and took several people’s orders around me. I started looking around to see if I could order from a different bartender, when the bartender who had ignored me up until this point came up to me, and with his hands wet from making drinks, he flicked the water from his hands into my face. He made eye contact with me while he did that. Shocked – I asked him if he was serious. He just smiled and walked away – he never asked me what I wanted to drink. Shortly after, another bartender approached me and took my order. Then the bartender who took my order went to his side of the bar and started cleaning cups. I watched him and waited to see if he would make me my drink, but he never did. At this point, I’d been waiting 15 minutes at the bar and still didn’t have a drink and had the baffling experience of that one bartender that intentionally flicked water in my face. I started talking to a girl sitting next to me and asked her how long she had been waiting. The bartender that flicked water in my face approached her and took her drink order, but not mine. The girl ordered two drinks – one for me and one for her. And when the bartender heard that she was ordering her second drink for me, he turned to me and said – I’m already making your drink (which was total news to me!). After about five more minutes of making other people drinks, he finally made me and the girl next to me our drinks and served us, with an ironic “it was a pleasure serving you ladies!” It’s rare that I have such shitty customer service and when I do, I usually shrug it off and them having a rough night. But this bartender was an asshole and he was enjoying being a jerk. I’ve had bad customer service before, but I’ve never been blatantly disrespected like that. TL;DL – the bartenders here are assholes and their customer service sucks.

Dingtea Denver – Menu with Prices – 1699 S Colorado Blvd Unit E, Denver

Went to Ding Tea Denver for the first time on their grand opening day. The online advertisement said they are opening at 12 PM that day, but when we got there the open sign was off and workers were still dragging their feet. They didn’t open until close to 1 PM that day. A lot of customers waited for a long time and decided to leave, doesn’t seem to be a great start. Our wait wasn’t long or else we would’ve left in a heartbeat. The overall experience for the first time was meh, nothing to write home about. However, the monster boba they offer tasted decent. We decided to visit the second time hoping our second experience will be better, but it was another disappointment. My fiancee ordered the drinks and asked if they can do the monster boba in a large size. For some odd reason they refused to offer it in a large size, yet sells other teas in different sizes. What also odd is there is a huge advertisement on their wall showing the monster boba in two sizes!! False advertisement much? One girl in the back suggested she buy two monster bobas….O’ RLY? Isn’t the point of getting a larger size is to pay a little extra and get more? My fiancee added golden boba and they charged her extra for it, which is totally fine. Now the issue is when they realized the boba she ordered is all gone, my fiancee asked about getting charged extra for something she’s not getting. The casher lied and said she didn’t charge my fiancee extra when she clearly saw it pop up on the cash register. Even though $.55 wasn’t much but it’s about the principles! Instead of arguing with the cashier, she decided that was a $.55 undeserving tip for their awesome service. It’s unfortunate the both times we visited Ding Tea resulted in a disappointment. We were excited to be able to choose tea places between them and Meet Fresh, but it looks like Meet Fresh will be our go to spot from now on. Ding Tea seems to lack customer service and management skills. The business seems to be run by a bunch of young kids lacking business experience. One last note, to the person who painted the wall with the map of the world. Of all places, you labeled US and Canada incorrectly, might want to fix that because is kind of embarrassing, LOL.

Sweet Daze Dessert Bar – Menu with Prices – 3356, 581 W Campbell Rd #127, Richardson

I went today for their 2nd birthday celebration which started at 12pm. I arrived a few minutes early and noticed there were people already outside waiting to get in so I got in line as well. Their special for today was $2 drinks + free cake pop for first 50 people. I was probably about the 4th group of orders and there were several people in line after me. I ordered the Strawberry Tea (unsweet tea) + Red Velvet Cheesecake Bar. I found a seat & waited…and waited…and waited. Granted, there were several people that had ordered at this time & waiting but after seeing someone that ordered a few orders after me get their drink, I got up to ask about my order. Don’t think they are really equipped to handle a crowd. She informed me that they were about to make my drink so I sat back down. I then saw another lady that ordered right after me go ask about hers because she had been waiting a while as well. My drink + cheesecake bar were finally ready. I had to ask for the free cake pop. All in all, great tasting desserts/treats & drink was pretty good while a bit sweet with the strawberry flavoring added. I would have given a 5 star rating but I just hate seeing people after me get their items/similar items as I ordered and I’m still waiting for mine. I didn’t leave store until a bit after 12:30. Quite a while to wait for a cheesecake bar & cake pop that are already made & just have to make a drink.

Tim Hortons – Menu with Prices – 16039 97 St NW, Edmonton

I am reviewing here, because the one attached to the petro-can on 80 ST isn’t an option and I know the owners own both. We went there yesterday because we were going to do lotto at the petro and then grab coffee. The line was only 2 people long when I got in. They had only 1 person taking orders and then filling those orders at the same time. I was literally in line for 10 minutes before getting any help. Secondly, I ordered only coffee… COFFEE… Tim Horton’s is a coffee place… and they ran out of coffee and I had to wait another 5-10 minutes for them to make more. Ok… you sell coffee… your main business is coffee… how… HOW? do you run out of coffee. I know I wasn’t the only displeased customer because another patron was waiting on coffee, sandwich and wedges… and he got approached 2 times about these wedges that they no longer had either, and then they decided to finally refund him for the wedges. Once they started that he asked for his coffee and they told him again (he ordered right after us and we just got our coffees) that they were out, so he was furious and asked for them to refund everything. Anyways, I will go back here, its super close to my home, but I really think they should invest in better training and the ability to not run out of the one thing they are known for… coffee.

Andiamo Ristorante & Pizza Napoletana – Menu with Prices – 500 S Battlefield Blvd, Chesapeake

Croutons: 1, Customer Service: 0 It pains me to give a restaurant one star. I am hopeful that Andiamo will read this and use it as a training opportunity. We’ve ordered many times when they were next door and the food and service was always 5+ stars. This evening after placing an order, I was told it would be twenty minutes. I showed up 15 minutes later and was ignored for ten minutes before being acknowledged. Yes, it is a Friday evening, but the restaurant had two tables of people and three couples at the bar (far from excessively busy). I was told my order was almost ready and asked to pay. I paid by card and was prompted to add a tip and give a review before receiving my food or experiencing the customer service that would follow. After watching people order and receive their food within a few minutes, I became frustrated. Finally, after thirty minutes, I was told that they were still working on my order but it was taking time because they were so busy. I surveyed the mostly empty restaurant and my facial reaction resulted in an additional explanation that they had many to-go orders… odd, since I was the only one waiting. I reminded the gentleman that my order was not overly complicated (2 pizzas, spaghetti, and a salad). He let me know that it was not complicated, but it was “time consuming”. Another 15 minutes passed and I was offered a drink, which I politely declined. Finally, another ten minutes later, I was presented with two room temperature pizzas, spaghetti, and a Caesar salad (obviously, from the picture, croutons have recently been added to the endangered species list). In short, I’m not sure when I will burden Andiamo with another “time consuming” order.

Wings To Go – Fredericksburg – Menu with Prices – 10040 Jefferson Davis Hwy #114, Fredericksburg

Five of us went and ordered wings and fries to go. 55 minutes later (literally, we checked the time on the receipt) we finally had our food…..but two of the orders were messed up, one came with no sauce on the wings, the other had the wrong sauce. The other orders had sauce spilled all over the outside of the plastic bags, leaving us with a mess to clean up. We should have left as soon as we walked in and saw another customer getting a refund and one of the workers with his pants around his knees. 55 minutes for the absolute worst service I’ve experienced in a long time, and on top of it the quality and taste of the wings and fries were subpar. We won’t be returning.

Wild Wild Wings – Menu with Prices – 4900 Jackman Rd, Toledo

Worst experience ever… waited over an hour in the place for take out that I ordered on/line. Stood there for over 15 minutes before being acknowledged, then- two people walked in and were waited on immediately. Oh, our order was done but we were the least of guys problem on the counter. He was more interested in answering the phone orders. Young lady appeared now after FORTY-FIVE minutes and the owner who was cooking confirmed it was done an hour ago! Counter guy actually verbally fought with me that it’s not his fault he didn’t take the order- DUH! No thanks! Sure it was ice cold by now and just asked for a refund. Too bad it wasn’t recorded as a training video for restaurants as worst customer service experiences. Get rid of the clueless counter guy and probably still not recommend! Can’t rate the food because didn’t get it, and not even an apology.