
Life is magical

Sponsored post with Samsung

Hi Loves!

Did you know that Ludwig and I met through work? and that we fell in love at work?
We actually fell in love during a work event that we had, we used to sneak around to hide it from our coworkers, a secret touch or a secret kiss, it was the most exiting time in my life, everything was so new and perfect.

During this event we had a theme song that played loud 50 times a day, the song was “all of me” by john legend and I remember how I used to stand on the other side of the room just watching Ludwig and imagining how we one day would sit in our home with our kids and listen to the song that we’ve once heard when we first met.

we played the song at our wedding 4 years later, while we danced closely with our daughter and our son was safely sleeping in his stroller and in that moment I felt, it actually came true, my dream of a life with him.

it’s become a ritual of ours, to play that song whenever we’ve had a rough day, we walk into the kitchen when the kids have gone to bed, we open a bottle of wine and we play “all of me” on our samsung family hub – and we remember how we felt beck then, we remember how we got here and how far we’ve come.

This is just one of the things I use our family hub for, or more to the point, this is just one way our Family Hub helps us handle family life.

We also get helps me entertain the kids while I cook, by playing youtube clips or letting them draw (messy free I might add 😉 ) it helps me keep track of my daily calander and it help our food stay fresh for days longer which is not only good for the enviroment but also for the wallet. but most importantly.- the recipes I’ve learned from just asking Bixby is amazing, I’m so proud to be a samsung ambassador!

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