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På Smällen!

Emma är toppbloggare här på LOPPI och driver bloggen På smällen. Den 16:e mars 2013 blev hon och hennes fästman föräldrar till lille Lucas. Hon har precis börjat jobba igen efter 1,5 års mammaledighet, varav sju månader i Brasilien. Här på bloggen får ni läsa om livet som förstagångsmamma, tankar om bebis nr 2, missfall som suger, tips, tester, träning, event och massor av annat! ♥ Vill du göra ett samarbete, sponsra en tävling eller komma i kontakt med mig? Maila mig: pa.smallen@hotmail.se

Läsarfråga om klädstorlekar till barn


Förra veckan bloggade jag en del om det där med vinterkläder, skalkläder och vinteroverall. Jag fick en fråga då om hur jag resonerar kring klädstrolek. Jag köper ju nästan alltid kläder till Lucas på rean cirka 6 månader eller mer innan det är tänkt att han ska använda dom. Vinterkläder köper jag ALLTID på rean och dom har jag alltid köpt 1 år innan det är tänkt att han ska använda dom.

Läsarfrågan:Rea är perfekt. Det enda som är svårt är att veta storlek till nästa år, köpte förra året på rea och de är perfekta i år. Så hur resonerade du kring storleken? Har förstått det som att L har 74 i sina skalkläder så från 74 till 98 känns som ett stort hopp men overallen kanske är liten i storleken. Här tippar jag att sonen har 98 eller 104 på sin overall nästa år och han har 92 i overall i år. Kram

Svar: Ja, det känns alltid klurigt att veta om man har valt rätt storlek eller inte, men jag tycker det blir lättare och lättare ju äldre dom blir. Det första året växer dom ju så snabbt och byter storlek cirka 6 gånger eller mer!! Men efter 1 år är storlekarna halvårsvis och efter 2 så är dom årsvis.Jag vet inte om ni hänger med på vad jag menar, men kolla på bilden nedan så förstår ni:

storleksguide barn

Anledningen till att Lucas har storlek 74 på sina skalkläder är för att Polarn o. Pyrets storlekar är MYCKET större i storleken än dom flesta andra märken. Jag vet inget annat märke som avviker så mycket från den ”generella” storleksguiden”. Mitt råd är därför att välja att märke som ni känner till, som ert barn har andra kläder i så att ni har en fair chans att ”gissa” rätt storlek. Jag känner inte till Reima (som jag köpte nästa års overall), men jag köpte samtidigt en fleeceoverall i storlek 92 som Lucas ska ha nu. Om fleeceoverallen i storlek 92 hade varit på tok för stor eller på gränsen till för liten så hade jag bytt storlek på vinteroverallen i storlek 98. Det visade sig att storlek 92 satt ganska bra, lite stor men det är bara bra för då kan han växa lite i den, så därför gissar jag på att storlek 98 kommer funkar hela nästa vinter.

En annan grej att ha i åtanke: Det är bättre om overallen är lite för stoooor än om den är för liten! En overall går inte att göra större, den är inte så förlåtande som tvådelat är. Köp därför hellre för stor än för liten!!

Här är Lucas i sin fleecoverall från Reima:


Svårt att få en bild på honom framifrån just denna gången haha 😛

Jag fyndade även en overall på Lindex i storlek 92 som kändes lite varmare en skalkläderna. Skulle storlek 98 vara lite stort till vinter så kan han ha denna overallen ett tag 🙂 Ni får se bild på den overallen när Lucas är frisk och vi är ute nästa gång 🙂



86 Kommentarer

  1. Jag förstår hur du tänker, men det är verkligen inte så att Pop är så mycket större än andra kläder. Ytterkläder generellt är stora i storlekar. Min son är 86cm och har storlek 92 i Pops skalkläder och i vinteroverallen från 8848 har vi 90 och den är jättestor! Vi köpte en Reimaoverall till nästa år i storlek 98 och jämför man med årets overall tror jag att den kommer passa. Vi kliver alltså upp en storlek till nästa år. Fyra storlekar låter verkligen mycket!

  2. A har vanligtvis 86/92. 92 i byxor men 86 passar i tröjor. Men hennes didrikssons overall är i 80 för de större storlekarna var alldelles för stora.

    Men nu i efterhand ångrar att jag inte köpte en större storlek så hon kan ha den nästa vinter. De växer ju så fort så jag tycker du tänker rätt i ditt val av storlekar.

  3. Min kille på 3½ har fortfarande 92/98 i storlek så jag tycker det är jättesvårt att gå efter färdiga tabeller/guider. Vår räddning för att inte spendera en förmögenhet på ytterkläder är att köpa det mesta begagnat när säsongen startar.

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  14. When you hire an islamabad call girls
    , you can expect to receive a number of benefits. Firstly, you will be able to enjoy the company of a beautiful and exotic woman. Secondly, you will be able to spend time in a city that is full of history and culture. Thirdly, you will be able to save money on accommodation and travel costs.

  15. If you are thinking of hiring an islamabad call girls
    , then there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. Firstly, you need to make sure that you choose an agency that is reputable and has a good reputation. There are many agencies that claim to offer the best services, but not all of them are able to deliver on their promises.

  16. • Girlfriend experience: This is where the girl will act like your girlfriend, and she will do everything that a girlfriend would do. This includes talking to you, flirting with you, and even having sex with you if you are willing.

  17. islamabad call girls
    Most of the time, these girls provide companionship services only. This means they will accompany their clients to events, dinners, or nightclubs. They will also talk and flirt with their clients, and they might even engage in sexual activities with their clients if they are willing.

  18. Lahore call girls
    come from all walks of life. Some are students, while others are housewives or even working professionals. However, all of them share one common goal: to make money by providing sexual services to clients.

  19. There are many reasons whyislamabad call girls
    are so popular. Firstly, the city is home to a large number of embassies and international organizations, meaning that there is a constant stream of foreign visitors. Secondly, the city is also home to a large number of wealthy Pakistani businessmen and politicians. As a result, there is a huge demand for call girls in Islamabad.

  20. When you contact an agency, be clear about the services you are looking for. This will help the agency match you with the rightislamabad escorts

  21. In addition to their physical beauty, Lahore escorts are also known for their skills in the bedroom. These women are experts at pleasuring their clients and will stop at nothing to ensure that they are completely satisfied. Whether you are looking for a wild night of passion or a more intimate encounter, you can be sure that a Call girls in Lahore
    will be able to provide you with exactly what you are looking for.

  22. If you are looking for a night of passion and pleasure, then you need to look no further than the Islamabad call girls. These ladies are experts at making their clients feel special and appreciated. They will take care of your every need and make sure that you have an amazing time.

  23. There are many islamabad call girls
    who offer their services to locals and tourists alike. The prices of these services vary depending on the girl and the type of service required. However, there are some general tips that you can follow to get the best possible price for your service.

  24. There are many different types of escorts in Lahore to choose from. There are those that specialize in certain types of services, such as massages or companionship. There are also those that are more generalists and offer a variety of services. It all depends on what you are looking for and what you are willing to pay.

  25. Call girls who work for an agency are not usually given as much control over their work. They are typically required to work set hours and their rates are set by the agency. In some cases, call girls who work for an agency may be required to provide sexual services to their clients.

  26. If you are looking for escorts in Lahore, you will be glad to know that there are different types of escorts available. Each type of escort has its own unique skills and attributes. Here is a look at the different types of Lahore escorts:

  27. Islamabad is the capital city of Pakistan and is located in the northern part of the country. The city is home to a number of historical and cultural attractions, as well as a number of hidden pleasures. One of these hidden pleasures is the city’s thriving call girl scene.

  28. It can be a great way to get some experience: If you’re a virgin or you’re just not very experienced with women, hiring a call girl can be a great way to get some practice. You’ll be able to learn how to please a woman and you’ll get some much-needed practice in the bedroom.

  29. Call girls in Islamabad are widely available and can be found in many different places, including online. There are many websites and online directories that list Islamabad call girls, as well as contact information and rates.

  30. When it comes to escorts in Lahore, there are two main types: in-call and out-call. In-call escorts are those who work from a specific location, such as a hotel or an apartment, while out-call escorts are those who will come to meet you at a location of your choice.

  31. 4. You could be infected with a sexually transmitted disease: If you engage in sexual activity with a call girl, you could be at risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease. This is because call girls often have multiple partners and may not practice safe sex.

  32. If you are looking for an escort in Lahore, you will be happy to know that there are a variety of escorts available to choose from. Whether you are looking for a traditional escort or a more modern escort, you will be able to find an escort in Lahore that meets your needs.

  33. The full service is the most popular service offered by escorts in Lahore. This service includes sex and massage. The massage is usually a full body massage, which is followed by sex. The sex is usually oral, but it can also be anal or vaginal.

  34. The Islamabad Club is the most expensive of the clubs and is also the most popular with foreigners. It is located near the Diplomatic Enclave and is known for its high prices and its beautiful girls.

  35. There are a number of other clubs in the district, but the Pindi Club is by far the most popular. The other clubs include the Kothi Club, the Gulberg Club, and the Islamabad Club.

  36. Once you have selected the girl, you can then contact her and arrange a meeting. Islamabad call girls are very professional and will make sure that you have a great time. They will also ensure that you are completely satisfied with their services.

  37. Islamabad is the capital city of Pakistan and is also one of the most beautiful and happening places in the country. The city is full of life and there is something for everyone to do. If you are looking for some fun and excitement, then you should definitely consider checking out the supply of call girls in Islamabad.

  38. All of our escorts are hand-picked for their looks, personality, and ability to please. We only work with the most professional and reliable escorts in Lahore, so you can be sure that you will be getting the best possible service. We also offer a wide range of services, so you can be sure to find something to suit your needs.

  39. Most of the agencies have their websites where you can find the profiles of the escorts they have on their books. You can also find the contact details of the agency on their website. The agencies usually have a wide range of escorts to choose from. You can select an escort based on your budget and preferences. If you are looking for an independent escort in Lahore, you can search for them online. Many websites list independent escorts in Lahore. You can contact the escorts directly through their websites.

  40. Really a interesting post to read. The cute kid looks beautiful.

  41. Most of the agencies have their websites where you can find the profiles of the escorts they have on their books. You can also find the contact details of the agency on their website. The agencies usually have a wide range of escorts to choose from. You can select an escort based on your budget and preferences. If you are looking for an independent escort in Lahore, you can search for them online. Many websites list independent escorts in Lahore. You can contact the escorts directly through their websites.


  43. Call girls in Lahore are at risk of violence and exploitation. They often work long hours and are paid very little. They also have to deal with customers who are often drunk or aggressive.

  44. When you meet the escort, you should always be polite and respectful. You should also make sure that you are comfortable with the escort. You should never try to force the escort to do anything that they are not comfortable with.

  45. Once you have met the Lahore call girl, the next step is to decide whether or not you want to hire her. If you do decide to hire her, then you will need to sign a contract. This contract will outline the terms of your agreement, as well as the payment terms.

  46. Once you have found an agency, the next step is to contact them and schedule an appointment. This is an important step, as you need to make sure that the agency is legitimate and that the call girl you are interested in is available.

  47. Referral services are another popular way to find call girls in Lahore. By asking around or searching online, it is possible to find people who will refer you to reliable providers who offer good service at reasonable prices.

  48. Finally, the convenience factor associated with hiring an escort through a service provider is perhaps the biggest draw for those seeking companionship from these professionals.

  49. confirm their age via documents such as birth certificates; verify their identity through driver’s license/passport etc.; communicate openly at all times before & during bookings;

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  51. Hourly rates are one of the most common pricing structures for call girl services in Lahore. This type of charge is based on the hourly rate specified by the agency and can vary depending on factors such as location, experience level, and other special requests made by clients.

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  53. Tack för att du delar din kloka strategi för att välja klädstorlekar till barn! Det kan vara knepigt, men dina tips om att känna till märket och hellre köpa lite större är verkligen användbara. Tack!

  54. When it comes to call girls in Lahore, our agency offers an extensive selection to suit every taste and preference.

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  56. This can be achieved by conducting thorough research, reading reviews, and seeking recommendations from trusted sources. Additionally, clients should also consider the level of professionalism and discretion offered by the escort service, as confidentiality and privacy are often key concerns for those seeking the services of a call girl.

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  59. Escorts in Lahore offer a range of services, from companionship to intimate encounters. They are typically hired for social events, business functions, or simply for a night out on the town. While some may view hiring an escort as taboo or controversial, it is important to remember that it is a legitimate profession that provides a service to those in need of companionship or intimacy.

  60. ”Frågor om klädstorlekar till barn” på blogg.loppi.se/pasmallen är en informativ och praktisk resurs för föräldrar som navigerar genom klädinköp för sina barn. Genom att besvara vanliga frågor om storlekar och passform, erbjuder artikeln värdefulla råd och tips för att göra shoppingen enklare och mer framgångsrik. Med en blandning av personliga erfarenheter och professionell expertis ger författaren insiktsfull vägledning som kan hjälpa föräldrar att välja rätt storlek och stil för sina barns behov och preferenser. Utforska inlägget för användbara riktlinjer och förbättra din förmåga att handla kläder för barn med självförtroende och precision.
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  64. However, it is essential to address the challenges and risks associated with the escort industry in Lahore. There are concerns about exploitation, trafficking, and the potential spread of sexually transmitted infections. To mitigate these risks, there must be robust regulations, oversight, and support systems in place to protect the rights and safety of both clients and escorts.

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