Sommarens andra gästbloggare är Dailydamara. Hon skriver ett inlägg om senaste trenden, hon snappade upp tidigare under sommarens USA resa!
Hello to you, all of Sarianne’s wonderful readers!
I was honored to be invited back to guest blog while my sister-in-law is living it up on vacation and thought I’d take the opportunity to fill you in on a current trend over in the States that I haven’t encountered yet here as well as a fantastic website. Namely, geometrics and
The chevron and triangle in particular are having a big moment right now, showing up especially in accessories and home decor. As soon as I started seeing them on some of my favorite blogs I began looking for some cool shapes to add to my own life and found exactly what I was looking for, and more, on, ”your place to buy and sell all things handmade, vintage, and supplies.”
Go there. I promise you will not be sorry. Almost every seller ships to Sweden, the prices are typically very inexpensive, and you can be pretty much guaranteed that nobody else will have what you have. So here are a couple of examples of some of the geometrically-themed items I’ve found, bought, and LOVED on recently.
Paper airplanes print from shop KrisJohnsen
Gold dipped triangle studs from shop PetiteCo
Wooden layered chevron necklace from shop GrundledGrundled
Chevron necklace from shop KaymaBoutique
Vintage geometrical scarf from shop vintallage