Ida Zäta

Från botten till toppen.

Ni som läser min blogg vet att jag för några dagar sedan verkligen var nedstämd över flytten till Ljusdal. Allt går ju så snabbt och det är så mycket som ska klaffa, mycket som kan gå fel också. Jag är nog ganska konservativ av mig och även om jag tror att jag gillar förändringar och nya utmaningar så skrämmer det mig nog mycket mer än vad jag vill tro. Jag har dessutom ett stort kontrollbehov och paniken över att framtiden är oviss gör mig galen ibland. Men idag på eftermiddagen ringde jag ett samtal som fick allt att ljusna lite. Eftersom ingenting är påskrivet ännu kan jag inte dela med mig allt för mycket men jag kan säga som så att jag med största sannolikhet inte kommer gå sysslolös i vintern vilket känns otroligt skönt! Några av er kan säkerligen gissa vad jag syftar på men för er som inte gör det, ni får tyvärr hålla ut i ovissheten ett tag till.

Jag vill passa på att tacka för att peppande, snälla och omtänksamma kommentarer, ni och dom är guld värda!!


Fotograf Linda Pauline.

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  1. Bridget Fitzgerald

    Ida, I am happy to see this post. Your one a few days ago had me quite concerned for you. I can assure you I know exactly how it feels to have things spin around you so fast you are dizzy. Worse, you can’t prevent any of those things from spinning. I was very successful in my career and made a lot of money by throwing my hands out and stopping those things from spinning, at work. There was always a solution, I just needed to keep searching harder. But now all of those spinning things were in my personal life too.

    I cannot tell you how much time I wasted, fits I threw, and stressed that I raised by thinking like I did at my job– THERE MUST BE ANOTHER WAY TO STOP THIS! When I finally let go, and decided to focus on the little bit I can do, things became manageable. I didn’t try to stop everything that was spinning, just the little bit I could. One by one, those little things added up and most of the spinning has stopped now. Trust in yourself, trust in God and/or others that can slow things up a bit. It will come. I am so excited to see you have another little one on the way. I am so impressed by all the things you have done in a few short years.
    I’m thinking of you, Bridget.

    (Side note- Reagan still has her ”Ida Bear.” She knows it is special and asks to see pics of you and see what is going on at your blog. Bailey is jealous she does not have her own ”Ida bear” so Reagan is kind enough to let her sleep with her. I cannot believe it has been seven years since you’ve been here. The time has flown!)

    1. Ida Zetterquist

      Hi Bridget!
      I ’m so glad you wrote to me and on my blog.

      For now everything feels a little scary about the move to ljusdal. There is plenty to be done, but we are very happy and looking forward to it very much too.

      I’m not pregnant :), I was referring to a job that I got in ljusdal. Baby number three comes after 30 ( 2yrs left ).

      Im so happy that I still get to be a part of your life miss you very much and enjoyed the time with you tremendously. Wish that the distance between us was shorter so I could be more involved in your girls’ lives, they are wonderful!